Well here it is. The last race of the season. I would like to apologize to everyone that it has taken me so long to post all of this. I got caught up in the madness of training, racing and just life in general and my blog suffered. I am back though and I have some exciting things for all of you coming up.
On to the race… This race was a little different for me
because it is a Saturday race. I
don’t like to be rushed or stressed on race morning so I took a half day and
headed to the beach for packet pickup.
Let me start by saying by the time this race came around I was done. My head wasn’t in the race and I was so
worn down from the season that I just wasn’t in it.
After check in, some pizza and stickers etc I hit the
hay. I knew what I needed to do
the next day. When we got to
transition it was a bit crazy.
There were A LOT of first timers at this race. Not that there is anything wrong with doing a race for the
first time. I love seeing first
timers come out, but I don’t like first timers who don’t do their
homework. There were a lot of
those. I weaved my way through the
crowd and in to transition. It was
nice being able to pick your spot in transition. I found a spot with a good landmark so I could remember
where it was. Super important!
From there it was business as usual.
I pulled on my wetsuit and headed to the beach. This was an ocean swim and I was a
little nervous about that. Of
course the race director Steve put everyone’s mind at easy and gave us a few
pointers before jumping in the water based on what the tide was doing. I ran down the beach and in to the
water I went. Everything was going
well until it was time to start heading back in. I felt like I wasn’t going anywhere and just when I least
expected it a huge wave came up behind me and freaked me out. I made it in and got to my bike.
The bike course was a nice out and back. Not too flat but not too
challenging. There was one gnarly
climb going up and over a bridge but you got to come back down. I found my groove and just peddled
away. Just before T2 I got to see
my parents and Jamee, which is always a positive. No matter the distance that little extra boost you get from
seeing your cheer squad can carry you through the pain cave and I knew I was
just entering.
On to the run, this run is no joke. The first half is in the sand and not
the nice hard sand down by the water.
They purposely put you up in the soft stuff so I took a moderate
approach. It was however TOO moderate. I got back to the boards
and my legs felt fresh. I finished
strong but I knew I still had some left in the tank and I was mad about
that. I knew I could have pushed
myself harder in that soft sand. I
could have pushed myself harder the whole day but again my head just wasn’t
there. Must have been in the post
race beer tent.
It has been a long season and now it is time to unwind. Not before I thank EVERYONE who got me
through this season. I can’t name
everyone but I will name a few.
First of all Jamee, this was a long season with lots of long training
hours for both of us and I couldn’t have done it without her. Jim and Brandon who helped me all
through the way. Jim keeping me
healthy and coming to AC at the crack of dawn to cheer. Brandon for getting me through my first
70.3 and all those early morning swims at the club. My parents for traveling in the wee hours of the morning to
almost every race. My sponsors and
everyone who enables me to do these things every single day in the beast
gear. Last but not least my
followers. All of you guys who
read, comment, message and support me along the way. Thank you so much.
As I said I have some exciting things for my readers coming
up to keep an eye here and on social media!
Until next time, All for now
Keep FSU and Do It For Yourself.