Sunday, September 8, 2013

One week...ONE WEEK!

It's Sunday, September the 8th and in exactly 7 days I will embark on the biggest journey of my entire life. Yesterday I woke up and and was just ecstatic, absolutely beside myself with excitement. I can't wait for next weekend. 

Last weekend when I was at the beach I had two great rides down there and I was super stoked on both of them. I can back on Monday and was ready to take on the week. Wednesday was open swim night with the Tri club. My last open water experience didn't go so hot and this time I was around a bunch of people from the club. I got there, blew up my buoys and waiting for the other coach to arrive. She got there, we went down the the waters edge and she swam the first mark out. She came back and and told me I needed to check the knot just to make sure... I slapped on my cap and goggles and started walking into the water. I took some deep breaths and tried to stay as calm as possible. I jumped off the bottom and took my first few strokes. I WAS DOING IT!! I was swimming like I was in the pool...nothing different. It was so awesome. 

We had such a great practice and I helped a few of the athletes with some starts and sprints and I was having such a great time. When I left I had such a boost in my confidence...the boost I needed for this weekend. 

When it comes to chasing your dreams there are times when you sometimes need to make sacrifices, you need to give things up or do things you don't want to do. When there is something that you want so bad, more than anything, you're going to have to do something you don't want to, I guarantee it. I am not going to sugar coat it, you just gotta suck it up and focus on what you could and will have at the end. Just keep that in your pocket. ;)

Just this past weekend all my friends got together. I was exhausted from training and had more training the next day. I knew if I went to have a drink with them, I wouldn't get up to train and I could afford that. So instead I sat at home. Finding this balance has been tough for me, I don't always choose to stay in, I do go out, I'm not a lame....well not totally at least. 

This is going to be the longest week ever and I can't wait for Friday afternoon to get here. I can't wait to get to my hotel, I can't wait to race and I can't wait to see everyone who comes to support me along the way. I wish that I could have every one of my readers there, every one of my followers and one person in particular who said they would be there....I have a feeling they won't be there though and that sucks. But I don't know that for sure...maybe they will, I will find out on race day. 

I am in the works of submitting my video for got chocolate milk team and I will need your help when I do. I will need every vote that I can get to help boost my video and spread the change that I want everyone to have!

Other than that I have a taper this week. My bike is in the shop getting tuned. I found out that it is actually a little too small. I need a longer stem but a workout from the race isn't the time to start messing with that. I have one last swim on Wednesday, maybe a light easy run on Thursday and sprinkle some transition practice in there when I get my bike back! Thank you all for your continued support, you're amazing quite frankly and I wouldn't be able to do it without you. Next post will be from Atlantic City NJ!!!!

All for now
Keep FSU and Do It For Yourself

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