Saturday, August 31, 2013

Summer is officially out....

The weather has changed, temps are cooling off. Before longhairs will change color, the days will get shorter and I will inevitably trade my iced coffees for pumpkin flavored hot lates(not that, that's a complaint).  I will trade my afternoon rides in the sun to indoor trainer rides. 

With the season change comes more change in training. Next summer I am stepping my distance up to the Olympic distance as my goal. Ultimately I would like to complete a 70.3(preferably the Miami!). On top of training changing I no longer have to get up and drive to West Chester anymore(again not a complaint in anyway!). 

My race is exactly two weeks out and I am getting super excited. The hotel is booked, bike will be tuned and fitted this week, the only thing left will be to get out there and kick some butt!! After a taper next week of course....

After my pull-up adventure on Tuesday I decided to do it everyday since then just because I could. When we were getting ready to change classes last week a student said to me "hey are you athletic? You look like you're athletic." I told him I was pretty athletic I guess. I wasn't really sure how to respond to that.  For years I was never considered athletic. Now my students look up to me and tell me that I look athletic, to me as a teacher of health and physical education that is the ultimate reward!  If you are a regular reader you may remember the post from a friend who told me that I would inspire my students and this would further my passion.... Well she hit the nail on the head and I saw it here first hand. 

I was so excited about the pull-up extravaganza that I complete forgot to include my little story from last Sunday. I was leaving the club and one of the maintenance guys was freshening up the locker room. I stopped to chat with him because I haven't seen him for awhile. We were catching up just shooting the breeze when he stopped and said "hey man I gotta ask ya something...that is if you don't mind." Naturally I didn't care in the least bit. He wanted to know how much weight I had lost and etc. He proceeded to hit me with something I was not ready for. 
"You know man, they have all these hot women in that magazine, forget that, they should put you in there! You're an employee...somebody real!"

I would have never thought anything about it but he was the third person who said the club should do this...that's pretty crazy that three people who don't work in the same department all feel the same way. It made me smile. 

As for this weekend, I packed the buildup and headed to the beach. I went for a beautiful ride this morning and this post is being brought to you from the sand of Sea Isle City, NJ. It is bittersweet, one I will be back in two weeks for my race, but it is the official end of summer. When I was driving down it was late at night and I had my windows down and the music up. I thought man I am going in to miss these days in a few weeks. But will fall comes changes and I am excited to see where things end up...where I end up. 

I hope everyone enjoys their holiday weekend whether it be with family or friends, new or old. I thank you, as always, for your continued support. Until next time...

All for now. 
Keep FSU and Do It For Yourself

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