Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day in, day out

It's Saturday October 12 and I find myself reflecting on the past along with looking forward to the future. On Monday my younger brother will turn 21....weird for me to think about. I can still remember the days when I was a senior in high school, running the show with my group of friends and he was a tiny little freshman. It brings back memories of high school, old friends and much more. It also brings back memories of my 21 birthday which feels like it was literally last summer. What an amazing weekend that was from start to finish and I wouldn't change a thing about it, I'd still go back to EVERY second of that weekend if I could and do it all again. 

With the past comes thoughts of the future. Race season is over, but what's next. As many of you may know the Ironman World Championships are currently going on in Kona today. It's got me thinking, got me me wondering... There is also a local race tomorrow that I was kicking around. Unfortunately the race was $150 when I looked it up last week and I just couldn't bring myself to spend that kind of cash for such a small race so I guess I am officially in my off season. 

I have a lot on my radar for next season. I am 100% going back to AC again next year and I can't wait for that race. My tentative plan is to hit a small sprint early in the year being as I now have a wetsuit :) Xterra was running a special so I scored a suit for 50% off which was awesome!

From there I want to hit Escape the Cape which is another Delmo race. Delmo did such an amazing job with AC so I know this would be a great opportunity for my first Olympic race. From there I'm looking into Philly TriRock and some other small races.  AC will definitely be the big one on my list because I want to better my time from last year. From there I am not sure what else is next. I am just going to take it as it comes. I am trying not to take things too fast. I want to do a 70.3 very bad and I also want to become part of a tri team. These are both things that take time. I am not good at waiting, I want things right away and I can't have that. I need to take my time, train properly and get my name out there and prove myself in this world of triathlons!

Last Monday I check my email and to my surprise the staff newsletter was sent out. I opened it up and here is what I saw....

My own shinning face right there on the first page. When people said I should write my story down for them my response was that I would do it if they asked me. I wasn't going to write it down and just give it to them or ask them to put me in it. It's not in my personality and I was going to wait for them to ask me. Well they did so I wrote a small story and then took a picture of me to send out to everyone. Since then I have had people approach me and say "hey awesome story, keep it up!" This is an absolutely incredible feeling. People have told me I am an inspiration to them or their motivation to get going. I have never gotten this sort of recognition and it is only adding fuel to the fire of training for next season! I can't thank the people of HAC enough for everything they have done for me!

As for life right now, it is just a day in and day out grind. I get up, I go to school and teach, I go to work and I some how squeeze training in when I can. I don't go out, I don't see friends and I hate it. I CANNOT wait to have my life back in December. It will be a different life, but it will be back to semi normal. It's not that I am not enjoying my teaching or anything of that nature. I am just trying to find a balance of essentially doing a 40 hr a week internship and still working to pay bills etc. Until then, it's going to be crazy but these last few weeks are going to fly. 

I don't have much more for you, my life right now is ver mundane to say the least. I miss the way things used to be in many areas and I am excited to get back to training and hopefully teaching in my own classroom! I miss everyone and thank you for your constant support through all of this!

All for now. 
Keep FSU and Do It For Yourself

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