Saturday, May 4, 2013

Broad Street Run Here I Come!

Well D Day has arrived! Or should I say will be here shortly.  After a few debacles on the subway trying to get to my friends apartment I find myself sitting in my hotel room trying to get into my zone and get focused for my race tomorrow and yet I am all over the place.

If you have been following my blog at all I am sure you may or may not have read about my encounter with an old friend I had a few weeks back.  Well last night we met up again.  I was dog sitting for a friend and I actually initiated our meeting this time.  I asked her to come over and have a glass on wine with me on the deck after work.  She responded and asked if I would like her to bring sushi, which naturally was a yes because I love sushi!  So we hung out for the night and she ended up staying with me that night.  It was amazing to have her with me again and all of my feelings returned immediately.  This is good and bad for me in so many ways.  I do not know what to do about it so I have turned to my blog which is becoming a big part of my life surprisingly.

Tomorrow is going to be interesting for me on so many levels....most people have been making fun of me or giving me flack for the changes I have made since September.  Some of my friends don't understand it, but also don't really try.  They just give me beef for not wanting to go to the bar anymore.  When I cross the finish line tomorrow it won't be all bells and roses like I had wished for.  I will have my parents there who are for sure proud of me and I can see that.  My grandmother also made it a point to tell me that she will be there no matter what and she is going to see me run.  I didn't have the heart to explain that there will be 40,000 other grand-moms there to see someone.  Nonetheless, the people who I want to be there, won't.  It's a little sobering but it isn't stopping me from doing what I want to do because I am doing it for one person and one person only, MYSELF.  I am proving to myself that I CAN be that person who I said I wanted to be so many times. 

Aside from this I am in the city of Brotherly Love and it's great, I love it here.  I am not a city slicker and I stick out like a sore thumb here right now.  The second I walked out of the parking garage the guy next to me asked if I knew where I was going!  I didn't think I stuck out that bad haha!

My nerves are starting to kick in big time for multiple reasons.  I just want to go out and be successful tomorrow.  If you are reading this you might as well what is successful for me tomorrow?  I am not really sure either.  I would like to finish between and hour and half to an hour and forty-five minutes.  This would be HUGE!  I have never wanted something this bad!  It funny because I was talking with a guy on my way back to the subway and he asked how long I had been running for.  I have only been running since November and I am set to do a ten mile race tomorrow...WHAT AM I THINKING?!?! I am not sure but I love it and I am absolutely addicted to this sport and the endurance sport aspect. 

I can't wait for tomorrow and I am super excited and just trying to get my mind wrapped around everything that it will symbolize.  It will symbolize far more than I could ever put into words on this silly blog that I am not sure anyone even reads.  If you are reading this though I thank you and I hope you have found something that you can put your everything into because it feels amazing.

All for now
Keep FSU and Do It For Yourself

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